Crowdsourcing Implementation


Once the crowdsourcing model was determined, the web-based platform was designed and the Softworm arena constructed. The platform was initially tested with a LEGO robot while I awaited the completion of the Softworm. The controls for the robot were modeled after those first implemented by Takuya Umedachi and Vishesh Vikas.

The WorM

The Softworm is a 3D printed soft-bodied robot actuated by two shape memory alloy (SMA) coils. A computer running LabVIEW communicates to the Softworm through an Arduino and MotoProto shield. The SMA coils are activated by resistive heating using current pulses med to produce a wave-like crawling motion seen in caterpillars.


The Web

Users log into the Soft Robotics WordPress site using one of five social media accounts. Once logged into the website, users can sign up for a 30 minute time slot to control the robot by using the calendar. On the control page, the user has the option selecting actuation times for each SMA and the phase gap in between the two SMA actuations as well as the option to reset the robot.


The Crowd

Users were recruited through social media, email campaigns, and word of mouth. I registered 65 users to the site; however, only 22 users participated in controlling the Softworm during the collection period. These 22 players played 166 games, resulting in an average of 7.54 games per person (though the majority of users played 2-3 times).